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Career Summary
José Alexandre Demattê

Full Professor at the University of São Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, in the field of Remote Sensing Applied to Soils (Pedology). Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Lavras (1990), Master's Degree in Soil and Plant Nutrition - ESALQ / USP (1992) and Doctorate in Soil and Plant Nutrition - ESALQ / USP (1995). Livre Docente 1 (1999), Livre Docente 3 (2012). Post Doctorate at INPE (1995-1998); University of Arizona USA (1998), INRA, France (1998); CSIRO, Australia (2010); University of California, Davis (2014) and Texas A&M University, College Station (2014).


Full Professor in the field of Remote Sensing applied to soils (2015). CNPQ researcher since 1997, currently 1D. Full Professor in the disciplines Soil Management and Conservation (Graduation), Remote Sensing applied to soil survey (Post-Graduation), Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing applied to soils and land use planning (Specialization). Leader of the elaboration of the Spectral Library of Soils of Brazil. Associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Soil Science, Brazilian Journal of Cartography, Regional Geoderma, Remote Sensing and Scientific Report.

Coordinator of the Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing Laboratory applied to soils and Land Use Planning. Member of the research groups: European Geocience Union; World Soil Spectroscopy Group; Digital Soil Mapping; Digital Soil Morphometrics; Pedometrics; Brazilian Network of Digital Soil Mapping, Survey and Soil Mapping; Precision agriculture; Group Coordinator: Soil Reflectance Spectroscopy in Brazil (CNPq) and GEOCIS Research Group (Geotechnologies in Soil Science). Involved in teaching and research in the use of geotechnologies, remote sensing, geoprocessing, soil survey and mapping, digital soil mapping, precision agriculture, land use planning, soil mapping, management groups and production environments.

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