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Recognition of the professor and researcher, José Alexandre Demattê in the list of the 100,000 most influential scientists in the world
Visit to SIAGRO in 2019, whose agenda was to demonstrate the paths of Agriculture 4.0 and its impacts in the future.
Featured GEOCIS:
"Solo para Todos" initiative.
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Our new project is highlighted in
FAPESP Agency.
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Presence at the Brazilian Critical Zone Symposium, at ESALQ / USP in 2019.
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Workshop realized out in Germany on "Implementation of soil spectroscopy for digital mapping and soil monitoring for space technology applications and Office transfer activities"
In August, the group was featured in the Gazeta de Piracicaba newspaper.
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Report Agricultural Machinery & Innovations. "Technologies for the countryside"
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Short course offered
in December / 2016
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Researchers from USP are among the most influential in world science.
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Ranking of the 100 thousand top scientists in the world, 600 are from Brazil.
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ESALQ / USP professors are among the most influential scientists in the world.
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European Space Agency recognizes the importance of remote sensing for soils.
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ProBASE introduces new technologies for soil professionals.
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Technologies in favor of the field, (José Luiz Ioriatti Demattê / José Alexandre Demattê).
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ESALQ Noticias - Technological Innovation
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The Soil Spectral Library of Brazil (BESB): an overview, applications and challenges.
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ESALQ holds first workshop on geotechnologies applied to the soil.
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